This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Women in Payments - CANADA events.


Submit your fintech concept for the chance to pitch to a panel of industry-leaders and an audience of payments professionals. By participating in the Women in Payments Unicorn Challenge, you'll gain valuable feedback and expert advice that can help you take your fintech start-up further, faster. It is unlike any women entrepreneurship awards program.

If you're a female innovator of a fintech start-up, this is an opportunity you don't want to miss. Past winning fintech start-ups from around the globe include Soundpays, VeeLoop, and Thrive Savings, among others.

The judging panel includes leading women experts from across the global payments industry. Their chosen winner will have a chance to pitch to major market leaders for further guidance and expert insights.

The Unicorn Challenge is a great opportunity to form meaningful connections with industry experts and influencers, while honing your pitching skills.

Competitors will have a chance to win the "Judges Choice" award which earns them a one-hour meeting with leading market incumbents. An "Audience Choice" award will be presented to a competitor, as voted by the audience via a live-voting app.

Jul 29, 2024 to Aug 9, 2024

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Arcadian Court
Toronto, Canada
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Unicorn Challenge



  • Your start-ups may be up to five years old, and up to Series-B funding
  • You can have a maximum of 1 presenter per organization
  • Submissions must include current photos and bio of presenter
  • Participating Fintech's must be female led and founded
  • Open only to Canadian-based Fintech's.

Women in Payments reserves the right to grant or refuse, at its sole discretion, speaking opportunities to any applicant. Limited spots are available.



Your team's submission in connection with the Women in Payments Unicorn Challenge ("Submission") will be evaluated by judges who will choose the winner in accordance with the rules established by Women in Payments ("WIP"). Judging criteria and rules can be found on the WIP Unicorn Challenge website. The decisions of the judges are binding and final in all respects. Prizes will be awarded based on criteria established by WIP. WIP reserves the right to substitute prizes for any reason or to award no prizes at all. You are responsible for determining Your eligibility to receive a prize. WIP reserves the right to disqualify You and/or Your team if, in WIP's sole discretion, WIP believes that You or Your team have attempted to undermine the legitimate operation of WIP Unicorn Challenge by cheating, deception, or other unfair conduct or if You and/or Your team annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other participants, WIP or the judges. Any false information provided by You in connection with WIP Unicorn Challenge concerning identity, mailing address, compliance with these Terms and Conditions or the like may result in the immediate elimination of You and/or Your team from WIP Unicorn Challenge.  


CANADA 2024 Unicorn Challenge.pdf